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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   short bowel syndrome

Disease ID 951
Disease short bowel syndrome
A malabsorption syndrome resulting from extensive operative resection of the SMALL INTESTINE, the absorptive region of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.
acquired short bowel syndrome
acquired short bowel syndrome (disorder)
bowel short syndrome
bowel syndrome, short
bowel syndromes, short
massive bowel resection syndrome
post-resection malabsorption
postresectional malabsorption syndrome
sbs - short bowel syndrome
sgs - short gut syndrome
short bowel syndrome (disorder)
short bowel syndrome [disease/finding]
short bowel syndromes
short gut syndrome
short intestine syndrome
short-bowel syndrome
short-gut syndrome
syndrome intestine short
syndrome, short bowel
syndromes, short bowel
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:22)
C0024523  |  malabsorption  |  3
C0162429  |  malnutrition  |  3
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  3
C0023895  |  liver disease  |  2
C0008370  |  cholestasis  |  2
C0221036  |  acrodermatitis enteropathica  |  1
C0026691  |  kawasaki disease  |  1
C0021831  |  bowel disease  |  1
C0010346  |  crohn's disease  |  1
C0005122  |  beriberi  |  1
C0038220  |  status epilepticus  |  1
C0042961  |  volvulus  |  1
C0028754  |  obesity  |  1
C0265706  |  gastroschisis  |  1
C0001125  |  lactic acidosis  |  1
C0021390  |  inflammatory bowel disease  |  1
C0456909  |  blindness  |  1
C0024523  |  malabsorption syndrome  |  1
C0024523  |  malabsorption syndromes  |  1
C0023895  |  hepatopathy  |  1
C0520459  |  necrotizing enterocolitis  |  1
C0267557  |  secretory diarrhea  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:41)
196527  |  ANO6  |  1.254  |  DISEASES
7809  |  BSND  |  1.374  |  DISEASES
885  |  CCK  |  2.428  |  DISEASES
913  |  CD1E  |  2.461  |  DISEASES
23436  |  CELA3B  |  1.708  |  DISEASES
1188  |  CLCNKB  |  1.123  |  DISEASES
79827  |  CLMP  |  3.708  |  DISEASES
1499  |  CTNNB1  |  1.221  |  DISEASES
1803  |  DPP4  |  2.844  |  DISEASES
2172  |  FABP6  |  1.815  |  DISEASES
2246  |  FGF1  |  1.316  |  DISEASES
2254  |  FGF9  |  1.248  |  DISEASES
2520  |  GAST  |  3.652  |  DISEASES
2641  |  GCG  |  5.781  |  DISEASES
2673  |  GFPT1  |  2.588  |  DISEASES
728441  |  GGT2  |  1.215  |  DISEASES
51738  |  GHRL  |  2.683  |  DISEASES
2695  |  GIP  |  1.359  |  DISEASES
2740  |  GLP1R  |  1.503  |  DISEASES
151306  |  GPBAR1  |  1.777  |  DISEASES
160897  |  GPR180  |  1.58  |  DISEASES
3486  |  IGFBP3  |  1.97  |  DISEASES
132660  |  LIN54  |  2.56  |  DISEASES
9926  |  LPGAT1  |  3.554  |  DISEASES
8972  |  MGAM  |  2.322  |  DISEASES
9971  |  NR1H4  |  1.62  |  DISEASES
9124  |  PDLIM1  |  1.002  |  DISEASES
5590  |  PRKCZ  |  1.18  |  DISEASES
5697  |  PYY  |  3.678  |  DISEASES
284654  |  RSPO1  |  1.419  |  DISEASES
795  |  S100G  |  1.635  |  DISEASES
55511  |  SAGE1  |  1.789  |  DISEASES
6564  |  SLC15A1  |  3.328  |  DISEASES
6514  |  SLC2A2  |  2.657  |  DISEASES
6518  |  SLC2A5  |  3.488  |  DISEASES
54716  |  SLC6A20  |  2.23  |  DISEASES
27044  |  SND1  |  1.38  |  DISEASES
55576  |  STAB2  |  1.25  |  DISEASES
51347  |  TAOK3  |  1.393  |  DISEASES
7018  |  TF  |  1.756  |  DISEASES
8771  |  TNFRSF6B  |  1.034  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 951
Disease short bowel syndrome
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:28)
HP:0002014  |  Diarrhea  |  4
HP:0004395  |  Malnutrition  |  3
HP:0002024  |  Intestinal malabsorption  |  3
HP:0001941  |  acidemia  |  2
HP:0002900  |  Hypokalemia  |  2
HP:0001396  |  Cholestasis  |  2
HP:0002917  |  Low blood magnesium levels  |  2
HP:0001298  |  Encephalopathy  |  2
HP:0005235  |  Jejunal atresia  |  1
HP:0100806  |  Sepsis  |  1
HP:0002901  |  Hypocalcemia  |  1
HP:0001543  |  Gastroschisis  |  1
HP:0000618  |  Blindness  |  1
HP:0001518  |  Small for gestational age  |  1
HP:0002133  |  Status epilepticus  |  1
HP:0005208  |  Secretory diarrhea  |  1
HP:0100280  |  Morbus Crohn  |  1
HP:0001513  |  Obesity  |  1
HP:0003128  |  Lactic acidosis  |  1
HP:0001824  |  Weight loss  |  1
HP:0003201  |  Rhabdomyolysis  |  1
HP:0002580  |  Volvulus  |  1
HP:0001892  |  Bleeding diathesis  |  1
HP:0002282  |  Heterotopias  |  1
HP:0004387  |  Enterocolitis  |  1
HP:0001945  |  Fever  |  1
HP:0100790  |  Hernia  |  1
HP:0000662  |  Poor night vision  |  1
Disease ID 951
Disease short bowel syndrome
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:37)
C2186532  |  liver disease
C1963165  |  malabsorption
C1963154  |  renal failure
C1963101  |  encephalopathy
C1963091  |  diarrhea
C1835171  |  renal magnesium wasting
C1510471  |  vitamin deficiency
C1373218  |  immunosuppression
C1368829  |  hyperalimentation
C1335307  |  pancreatic lymphoma
C1135207  |  ataxia
C1090821  |  sepsis
C0751837  |  gait ataxia
C0750384  |  warfarin resistance
C0553730  |  chondrocalcinosis
C0517555  |  venous thrombosis
C0451641  |  urolithiasis
C0376293  |  stigmata
C0341439  |  chronic liver disease
C0268680  |  biotin deficiency
C0268668  |  shoshin beriberi
C0267055  |  erosive esophagitis
C0233401  |  psychiatric symptoms
C0162429  |  malnutrition
C0151723  |  hypomagnesemia
C0085605  |  liver failure
C0042875  |  vitamin e deficiency
C0042847  |  vitamin b12 deficiency
C0036690  |  septicemia
C0030920  |  peptic ulcer disease
C0027709  |  nephrocalcinosis
C0023890  |  liver cirrhosis
C0020505  |  hyperphagia
C0020500  |  hyperoxaluria
C0017689  |  glucagonoma
C0007570  |  celiac disease
C0001125  |  lactic acidosis
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:9)
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  4
C0024523  |  malabsorption  |  3
C0162429  |  malnutrition  |  3
C0085584  |  encephalopathy  |  2
C0023895  |  liver disease  |  2
C0151723  |  hypomagnesemia  |  2
C0268668  |  shoshin beriberi  |  1
C0036690  |  sepsis  |  1
C0001125  |  lactic acidosis  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:2)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs20668442095981564127NOD2umls:C0036992BeFreeNOD2 gene polymorphism rs2066844 associates with need for combined liver-intestine transplantation in children with short-gut syndrome.0.0029099162011NOD21650712015CT
rs20668442095981564127NOD2umls:C0036992GAD[NOD2 gene polymorphism rs2066844 associates with need for combined liver-intestine transplantation in children with short-gut syndrome.]0.0029099162011NOD21650712015CT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 951
Disease short bowel syndrome
Case(Waiting for update.)